Estem molt satisfets per l’interès que ha suscitat el Congrés Internacional Lenin entre la comunitat acadèmica internacional i, per això, hem decidit ampliar el termini d’enviaments fins el dia 1 de maig de 2024.

The presentations and symposia accepted by the Scientific Committee will be divided into the following sections: a) Self-determination; b) Technique; and c) Power. The three axes around which the conference is structured are intended to cover a wide range of topics related to Lenin’s thought, as well as to the debates that derive from them, both within the framework of Marxist Studies and in relation to the history of contemporary political thought.

Taking into account these lines of work, the Organizing Committee launches this Call for Papers to the national and international academic community. Those interested in presenting a paper or a symposium must send their proposal before March 4th 2024 to the email address submissions@leninconference.cat. The documentation, in Word format or similar, must include:

  • For presentations
    1. Title
    2. Axis in which it is included
    3. Authorship and academic membership
    4. Abstract (maximum 500 words)
    5. Keywords
    6. Basic bibliographic references
    7. Short CV of the author or authors (maximum 300 words)
  • For symposia
    1. Issue
    2. Axis (or axes) in which it is included
    3. Coordinator or coordinators and academic affiliation
    4. Contributors (mimum 5) and provisional titles
    5. Abstract (maximum 500 words)
    6. Keywords
    7. Short CV of the coordinator or coordinators (maximum 300 words)

Proposals are accepted in any Romance language and in English. Once received, the documentation will be anonymized and delivered to the Scientific Committee, which will evaluate it through peer review. The final resolution will be notified by email.

For registration click here: